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Institute of Sound and Vibration Research, Faculty of Engineering and the Environment, University of Southampton, U.K.
Publication date: 2012-12-31
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Carl Verschuur   

Carl Verschuur, Institute of Sound and Vibration Research, Faculty of Engineering and the Environment, University of Southampton, U.K., e-mail: cav@isvr.soton.ac.uk
J Hear Sci 2012;2(4):46-48
From human studies there is little published evidence on the biological basis for presbycusis. We report a previously published study which tested the hypothesis that chronic inflammation in the elderly, known as “inflammaging” is a causal factor for presbycusis.

Material and Methods:
Analysis of biological and audiological data from a large population cohort showed an independent association between a range of inflammatory markers and mean hearing level.

Our findings suggest that further investigation into the role of inflammation in causing presbycusis is warranted. We also discuss wider research plans, and argue for a greater understanding of the inter-relationship of systemic and cochlear inflammation and the role of inflammatory processes in causing a range of types of hearing loss.
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