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Institute of Logopedics and Applied Linguistics, Maria Curie Sklodowska University in Lublin, Poland
Publication date: 2011-09-30
Corresponding author
Sylwia Apola-Piorkowska
Sylwia Apola-Piorkowska, Institute of Logopedics and Applied Linguistics, Maria Curie
Sklodowska University in Lublin, Poland, e-mail: sylwia-apola@wp.pl
The article concerns results of research conducted on central auditory processing disorders (CAPD), learning difficulties and
relations between them. The study group were 64 3rd grade students of elementary school of normal intellectual capacity and
not affected by any hearing loss. 65 per cent of the students were diagnosed with the central auditory processing disorder and
30 per cent of them had learning difficulties. Research conducted shows, that there is a clear link between the occurrence of
CAPD and learning difficulties in 3rd grade students of elementary school. One third of students with CAPD shows corresponding learning difficulties. The reason for learning difficulties in 3 out of 4 tested students may be CAPD.
Senderski A: Diagnostyka centralnych zaburzen przetwarzania sluchowego. Algorytm postepowania diagnostycznego. Instytut Fizjologii i Patologii Sluchu. [online serial] 2002 [cited 2009 Sept 16]. Available at: URL: http://dokumenty.ifps.org.pl/s....
Szkielkowska A, Senderski A, Ratynska J et al: Zaburzenia procesow przetwarzania sluchowego u dzieci z dysleksja rozwojowa. Audiofonologia, 2004; 26: 63–65.