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Department of Otolaryngology, Audiology Unit, Faculty of Medicine, Cairo University, Cairo, Egypt
National Research Centre, Cairo, Egypt
Publication date: 2014-09-30
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Amira M. El Shennawy   

Amira M. El Shennawy, Department of Otolaryngology, Audiology Unit, Faculty of Medicine, Cairo University, Cairo, Egypt, e-mail: amira.doc75@outlook.com
J Hear Sci 2014;4(3):26-34
Autism and attention-deficit and hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) are neurodevelopmental disorders sharing some developmental deficits and differing in others. The aim of this study was to specify the auditory phenotype in terms of peripheral and central hearing abilities through the use of objective and subjective assessment methods. The goal was to identify alterations in the central and peripheral auditory systems, especially those involving language and cognitive alterations, since hearing impairment can compromise language acquisition and the rehabilitation process.

Material and Methods:
Exactly 60 subjects were included in this study. They were divided into 30 subjects and 30 controls, and the study group was subdivided into 15 subjects with ADHD and 15 suffering with autism. All cases were given pure tone audiometry, speech tests, and click-evoked ABR and P300 tests.

Both study groups showed impaired subcortical encoding of speech, which was highly disrupted in the autistic group. The ADHD group showed delayed offset responses. Both groups had delayed P300 latencies and diminished amplitudes, which were most marked in the autistic group.

ADHD and autism involve impaired subcortical encoding of speech and impaired cognition, conditions that are more severe in autistic children.
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